Enabling Technologies
   Parallel Computing
    Distributed Computing
    Grid Computing

    Scientific Visualization
    Mesh Generation

Applied Sciences and Engineering
   Computational Fluid Dynamics
   Computational Structural Mechanics
   Computational Combustion
   Computational Materials Science
   Computational Physics
   Computational Chemistry

Industrial Applications
   Aerospace Engineering
   Mechnical Enginnering
   Energy Enginnering
   Civil Enginnering

Professional Societies
   ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
   ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
   AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
   ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
   CSTAM (Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)
   IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
   IEEE-CS (IEEE Computer Society)

debris: A number of debris trajectories computed by the debris code, which is being used to characterize the debris enviroment experienced by the Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle during ascent.
(Copyright © NAS, NASA, US)

Numerical modeling of casting process.
(Yao Zheng, ZJU)

Academic Groups

  Aachen | Alberta | Amsterdam | Arizona | Arizona State | Auburn | Bangor | Basel | Bath | Bergen | Berkeley | Berlin/FU | Berlin/TU | Boise | Bologna | Braunschweig | Bremen | Bristol | Brown | Caltech | Cambridge | Chalmers/CM | Chalmers/NA | Chemnitz | Chicago | Clemson | Colorado/AM | Colorado/CS | Colorado State | Connecticut | Cornell | Dalhousie | Delaware | Denver | DTU | Duke | Dundee | Durham | Eindhoven | Emory | Florida | Florida State | Freiberg | Geneva | Georgia Tech | Ghent | Helsinki | IIT | Illinois | Imperial | Indiana | Innsbruck | Iowa | Iowa State | Kansas | Kent State | Kentucky | Leiden | Leuven | Lille | Linkoping | Linz | Liverpool | Louvain | Lund | Manchester | Maryland | McGill | Michigan | Minnesota | MIT | Namur | NC State | New Brunswick | NYU | Oslo | Oxford | Paris | Penn State/Math | Penn State/CS | Pisa | Pisa | Pittsburgh | Prague | Princeton | Purdue | Reading | Rennes | Rice | RPI | Simon Fraser | SMU | St Andrews | Stanford | Stockholm | Strathclyde | Sussex | Tennessee | Texas/Math | Texas/CS | Texas A&M | Toronto | Trondheim | UBC | UCLA | UCSD | Ulm | Umea | UMIST | Uppsala | USC | Utah | Vienna | Warwick | Washington | Waterloo/AM | Waterloo/CS | WIAS | Wisconsin | Witwatersrand | Wuppertal | Wyoming | Yale | ZIB | Zurich | CSE links |  

Journals (The ISI impact factors are for 2005)
   Scientific Visualization
   ACM Transactions on Graphics (IF=3.652)
   Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling (IF=2.333)
   IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IF=1.457)
   IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IF=1.152)
   Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (IF=1.087)
   Computer Graphics Forum (IF=0.972)
   Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation (IF=0.864)
   Journal of Visualization (IF=0.481)
High Performance Computing
   Parallel Computing

      Journal of Supercomputing
   Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
   Distributed Computing
   International Journal of Parallel Programming
   IEEE transactions on Computers
   International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking
   IEEE transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
   Future Generation Computer Systems
Engineering and Scientific Computing
    AIAA Journal (IF=0.792)
   Advances in Computational Mathematics (IF=1.143)
   BIT Numerical Mathematics (IF=0.509)
   Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (IF=0.389)
   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (IF=1.553)
   Computers & Structures (IF=0.632)
   Computers & Fluids (IF=1.483)
   Computers & Chemical Engineering (IF=1.501)
   Computer Aided Geometric Design (IF=1.034)
   Computing in Science and Engineering (IF=0.698)
   Computational Biology and Chemistry (IF=2.196)
   Computational Material Science (IF=1.494)
   Computational Mechanics (IF=0.933)
   Computational Geosciences (IF=0.806
    Computational Mathematics and Modeling
   Computational Optimization and Applications (IF=0.886)
   Computational Geometry (IF=0.629)
   Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (IF=0.733)
   Computational Complexity (IF=2.000)
   Discrete & Computational Geometry (IF=0.735)
   Engineering with Computers (IF=0.176)
   Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (IF=0.894)
   Finite Elements for Analysis and Design (IF=0.715)
   International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (IF=1.203)
   International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (IF=0.767)
   International Journal of Numerical Methods For Heat & Fluid Flow
   International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics (IF=0.434)
   International Journal of Computational Geometry & Application
   IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (IF=1.258)
   Journal of Computational Neuroscience (IF=2.359)
   Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (IF=0.569)
   Journal of Computational Mathematics (IF=0.405)
   Journal of Computational Acoustics (IF=0.516)
   Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (IF=0.765)
   Journal of Computational Biology (IF=2.446)
   Journal of Computational Chemistry (IF=3.786)
   Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry (IF=1.085)
   Journal of Computational Physics (IF=2.132)
   Journal of Scientific Computing (IF=1.653)
   Mathematical and Computer Modelling (IF=0.422)
   Mathematics of Computation (IF=0.853)
   Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (IF=0.674)
   Reviews In Computational Chemistry (IF=2.000)
   SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (IF=1.392)
   SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (IF=1.509)
   SIAM Journal on Computing (IF=1.195)
   Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (IF=0.667)





Direct Numerical Simulations of Opposition Controlled Turbulent Channel Flow.
(Thomas Bewley, Edward Hammond and Parviz Moin, Stanford University, US)




Pulsated flame visualisation of a partially premixed industrial burner.

   ISCA (International Symposium on Computer Architecture)
   ICDCS (International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems)
   ICCMSE (International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering)
   HPCA (International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture)
   DISC (International Symposium on Distributed Computing)
   HIPC (International Conference on High Performance Computing)
   ICCS (International Conference on Computational Science)
   ICCM (International Conference on Computational Methods)

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