DRAGON Grids [AE99a, AE00a, AE00b, AE00c, AE03a]
(Pictures created in 1999 and 2000)

Split view of the DRAGON grid for the compressor drum cavity problem

DRAGON grid for the turbine branch-duct problem

Close-up view of the DRAGON grid for the turbine branch-duct problem

Schematic of the vane cross-section and coolant holes

Cut-through view of the DRAGON grid in the leading edge region of the film-cooled turbine vane

Illustration of automatic spacing source creation during unstructured grid generation: (a) Surface description; (b) Point sources created to reflect the spacing variation of the structured grid; (c) Line sources introduced in the area of stretched elements; (d) Volumetric grid; and (e) Volumetric grid with a part cut.